Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 7 April 2011

Benjamin is ok ... & April 2011

I arrived this morning expecting to see Benjamin looking rough but when I got there they had stabilised him and he looked lovely. He was awake and seemed pleased to see me as his blood pressure was quite high and heart rate quite fast until I started talking to him and it all went to normal happy numbers. In one way I love seeing his monitor as we can really see how happy he is and how settled he is with different people.
Becca and Lizzy a student nurse looked after him today and they were very watchful.
When I visited him this evening he was flat out comfy, arms up by his face and chewing his bottom lip. A very happy settled little monkey.
 His Hickman line procedure is cancelled tomorrow due to having a bug grown in his cultures so they will wait til Saturday.

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