Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Tuesday 5 April 2011

30th March 2011

Benjamin had two episodes related to the ventilator and positioning as well as secretions. He went grey and his heart rate and blood pressure dropped. It didn't last long but was upsetting as we had to go to Bridgwater to sort out the rent and new house details. Andy was having him again today so we know he will be watched carefully and it really does help when he has a nurse a few days on the trot.
When we got into the estate agents there was confusion as they all of a sudden wanted £275.00 off us . Me and Dave looked at each other and both said "what for?"  So when she said oh that's standard admin fees we were less than pleased. After i explained with a slightly raised voice that I had already asked about that a week ago and that we couldn't afford that as well as finding the Deposit money before we need to move. The woman mumbled something about telling us and shuffled in her seat. I'm sure she could tell I was fighting back the urge to smash her face in the desk several times !!!1 Anyway all sorted and they called us back 2 hours later to say that could drop it to £150.00 now to do "us a favour" lol my word what a day we had had and it was only 15.00 pm.

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