Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 7 April 2011

Phone goes at 06.00 and Dread sets in ........... 7 April 2011

Kerry calls me at 06.00 to tell me Benjamin has had a little blip!  He became unsettled and went a grey colour. They manage to find the cause and it was that his central line which is in is groin and runs through a central vein was leaking!!!! His Milrenone ( heart medication) Fentynl ( sedation Medication) and his Frusomide ( diuretic) were all on the line so he wasn't getting anything for what ever time. These Inatropes ( medicines or drugs , what ever you want to call them) are all on and need to be weaning very slowly. They definitely can not be turned off just like that.
So they gave him a new Inatrop called Dobutamin due to his colour and hope to get that back off today. They have gone up on his Fentynl and paralysed him again. The paralysis wont last long but its a side ways step we could do with out and it all adds pressure to Benjamin's body. His ventilation had to go up too so they need to wean that too again.
 Luckily Kerry was on and she is always on the ball.
When I called back at 07.20 Benjamin was doing better and his blood pressure and heart rate were better. Cant wait to see him now, just to check myself.

1 comment:

  1. just makes you realize how fragile our little man still is babes, although could do without these little blips
