Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Trachesostomy and Problem solving 20th April 2011

After Benjamin was so poorly we decided we needed a new plan so had a meeting with Rob martain and Peter Davis. The general feeling is Benjamin needs support throughout his recovery but that the nasal ventilator is no loger a solution to that. They brought up the subject of a trachestomy and we heartily agreed. We had fought it when it was mentioned three months ago but now after seeing benjamin crash very time he is excubated we know its the only way to go. Its a simple operation ( although nothing seems simple with Benjamin) and they want it done before the bank holiday.
A trachestomy would allow him to be supported in his breathing and hopefully grow. This meeting was also needed to plan a time scale for his care. Peter made it very clear but in a gentle way that the plan was to try and have Benjamin home for his 1st Birthday. That is six months ago. Im sure you can imagine that those wors took a long time to sink in and caused some tears. So we carry on nad we adapt again and we teach, play, feed and be Mom and Dad and pray that we beat that plan and if we dont , then we focus our energy on helping him enjoy the time we will be spending here.

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