Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Benjamin has his Trachosotomy 21st April 2011

Benjamin now has his trachy. It was quite a quick operation and isn't too scary to look at. And the most amazing thing is we can see his beautiful face. He is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, bar Justice of course. 
The trachy is " fixed" for a week. It is stitched in place with Long stitches that are used to keep the entry site open if the trachy does fall out. The long stitches are taped down to his chest with the words DO NOT REMOVE wrote on them. I really hope they didn't write that on when the tape was on his body or he may be tattooed for some time with those words.
The surgeons will change his trachey the first time round and then Me and Dave will learn how to do it. We will have to learn how to suction his secretions , snot and spit!, and how to perform an emergency change .

With all the worries to one side, we finally have our little boy on a steady long term breathing plan which will hopefully help him grow. His monogen milk should be changed soon so he can go on a high calorie feed and we can see his smiles and all his expressions.
No doubt I will add more about his trachy but I wanted to share the news and the pictures with everyone xx

Hours after his operation, sleepy but beautiful

Chilling in his chair, He was awake but obviosly got comfy

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