Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 31 March 2011

We have wiggles !!!

29th March 2011
The muscle relaxant has been taken off and sedation is being brought down, Because of this Benjaim has been moving. He is moving and raising his eyebrows and wiggling his big feet. I gave him a lovely wash and dressed him in his stripy baby grow.What a lovely morning

But I then went for a tea and when I returned he was surrounded and being bagged and sucked. His sats had dropped to the high 70s and he lost some of his chest movement. They found that his lungs are stiff and they feel his lung collapsed due to coming off sedation, waking up and maybe starting to feel pain or discomfort. It was not what I was expecting but it didn't take long to settle him and get his numbers back up. They put him prone and let him settle over time. He did have to have muscle relaxant again so all is wonderful movements were gone again.

We had loads of visitors today
The OT reassessing his splints which were working well
 Rob martin to say he kept missing me and that he was s pleaded to see Benjamin doing so well. He had been in Australia so had been away when Benjamin went on Echmo.
Anne the head nurse from ward 32 came to see him and say hi.

Emma looked after him today and it was lovely to see her as its been a while and we talk about lots of "normal" stuff

New chest stitches are looking better

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