Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 31 March 2011

27th March 2011- A New milk

There is fluid build up in Benjamin's Right upper lobe so a chest drain has to go on to drain it. Yet another drain in his beautiful little body. A cloudy substance started to drain out and the Doctor/ Dietitian tells me it is a substance called kyle ( I hope i have spelt that right)
Kyle is a fat which travels through the lymphatic system, it passes through the super venous artery into the heart and out through the lungs. Back through the entire body and back into the opposite side of the liver. Glucose, sugars and proteins run through the other side.The problem with it is that the kyle is leaking through the lymphatic system and pooling in any small spaces it can and those spaces are in his lungs.
The Lymphatic system is quite fibrous and has been damaged whilst he was in surgery. It is an unfortunate thing to have happened but couldn't be helped.

He will need to go on a prescribed milk called monogen. Monogen does not contain Kyle and will need to be given to Benjamin for 6 weeks. This will allow the system to repair and become stronger. All these different feeds need to be introduced so slowly, and at the moment he is having 1ml per hour due to the NEC he had. Nutrition is not great at the moment and every week he doesn't have feed in his mouth is another month that he could suffer from feed aversion.

I did have mommy time today. I gave him a top and tail wash and brushed the little hair he does have. It was so lovely to be able to touch him with out him reacting to it.I got such a buzz from those 15 minutes of baby time. I also got to look at his pressure sore and it is starting to granulised tissue so it is healing really well. Hopefully another 4 weeks and we can wash his hair :-).

Benjamin is having his operation on Monday 28th , but is the 3rd on the lst so this feels like a minor operation compared to all the rest and we have never been 3rd on the list  before. Woo hoo!

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