Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Friday 25 March 2011

One thing after another............

Today has been the first full day I got to spend with Benjamin as I have been poorly and couldn't visit. When I arrived he was having physio and didn't like it very much. His sats were raised , his heart rate was too fast and his colour was off so It wasn't  a very nice welcome. Also Benjamin is in a positive, which means he is holding too much fluid and is very puffy. He looks like a giant jelly baby!!
 Kelly is looking after him today so I know he is being well card for. Its a great distraction having kelly about as she been on a Cruise and had loads to tell.  I need distraction as our landlord is selling our beautiful house!! I fond out Tuesday and after having a cry and swearing quite alot I hit the internet and managed to set up several viewings. We had two on Wednesday and managed to fall in love with the first house.
So after days of chasing phone calls, emails and bargaining we have TWO weeks to move in!! Yes two weeks to pack, clean and move as well as making sure we are about for Benjamin. He may well be having an operation on his diaphragm early next week. Unfortunately the surgeons damaged the nerve that supplies the diapghram and it has caused the left side damage. Without having this fixed he wil not be able to come of the ventilator. So yet again another issue crops up and with the need to move home its not been a great few days.
On the plus side he is on very little heart function medication and his heart function has improved a bit. We are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel  but little things like that make it easier.
He also started 1ml per hour of feed as he has been on 7 days of antibiotics for his NEC ( which the surgeon now says was suspected only!!) and his 5ml non nutritive into his belly.
I fear that the length of time he has gone without milk in his mouth is going to make feeding him normally much harder. But I'm sure its a bridge iIwill have to cross and as long as Benjamin is healthy its a bridge I'd quite happily battle with .

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