Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 10 March 2011

9th March 2011- Pulmonary operation - archive entry

Benjamin is going to the catheter lab this morning for a pulmonary operation. They believe that he is pulmonary arteries are far to narrow , which we have always known, and that they need sorting out in hope that it will help his coronary arteries and improve his entire heart function. This operation is risky as they will need to thread wires and tubes through his arteries oh his heart and blow up some balloons to test the heart and then place metal stents in which will open his pulmonary arteries and allow the blood flow to improve.
Gareth Morgan and  Dc Tominiski will be doing the operation and they are great so even though we were only told 18.30 last night we feel happy that they will do their best.
Benjamin went down at 09.00 and was back about 14.00. The surgery didn't work , in fact Benjamin became incredibly poorly with it. He didn't tolerate the procedure and they had several close calls, having to stop and allow the heart  to be received. His Blood pressure dropped and his heart rate dropped, both fairly dramatically, forcing them to stop.
When Benjamin came up he was grey and quite flat. He was very cold and had to be placed on an adrenaline infusion and warmed up.
Even after all this he is still having his operation tomorrow and were terrified.

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