Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 31 March 2011

28th March 2011 Diaphram Operation

Today is the day he has his operation, we are booked in for about 16.00 so it ant be a very long operation. That's a relief!
He is looking better today and is in a negative so is obviously weeing alot. I had alook at 3-4 days of his x rays to get a bit more understanding of the issues with his lungs. It was fascinating. Not only did I see the fluid build up and eventual lack of fluid but I also saw his stents and the metal stitches that hold his sternum together. The stents are so much bigger than I thought they would be and really makes me realise what he is going through.

Operation was successful and already there is some release and relief in his chest. The docs managed to wean some of his ventilator down slightly.
Benjamins newest plaster

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