Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Friday 4 March 2011

1st December 2010 ( wednesday)

I haven't wrote for days as it has been really difficult as we have had many ups and downs. Benjamin seemed to be improving and on Sunday at the evening rounds he was at his optimum state. His BP,Heart rate etc was great , he looked good and the doctors said if it was 08.00 in the morning they would excubate him( take his ventilator off)  But by 10.00 Monday morning he was really poorly.
Sunday morning I did his normal cares, wash dress eyes mouth etc  and noticed he looked a little pale but as his hemoglobin was low , put it down to that.He pulled his  funny little faces and yawned at me to let me know he was sleepy and OK. I have to say I really am I Benjamin junkie now. After an afternoon of staring and chatting to his nurse we left at 15.00 for some lunch. We were happy in the knowledge that they planned on taking his ventilator of Monday am and allowed ourselvess to get excited about seeing his face again.
The doctors called him their star pupil and I am very proud of him.

When we arrived Monday morning am, we couldn't see his little nose as he was still on the ventilator. He had  had a few problems over night and wasn't ready to come off it. After speaking to Dc Tom I went and had a cry. I think this is the start of my mini melt down. I became very quiet and despondent. I wondered about like a zombie. What an awful day for me and Dave.

Benjamin may have an infection or a problem with his renal function.

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