Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Friday 4 March 2011

4th December 2010 - Feeling over whelmed

Today is a much more relaxed day for me. Yesterday Dave went back to work and i felt very lost.We have been spending 24/7 together for the last 3 weeks in an intense situation and its been very difficult. We are lucky we love each other as can talk and sort through the bad times.  We have seen many couples fight, fall out and generally ignore each other. I don't think anyone could imagine what it is like dealing with a very sick child unless your actually dealing with it. It takes every part of you to keep calm, all your willpower to not constantly cry or shout at people.
I never imagined this was how I would spend the first few weeks with my newborn. I thought Me Dave and Justice would be at home, playing with our little man, eating lovely foods grandma brought over in guise that she wanted to make sure we were eating but in actual fact she was coming for her baby fix too!

Benjamin's blood pressure is fairly high compared to the last few days and I'm worried all the plans made so far wont happen.
David Grant and Peter Davis ( his doctors) seem to think even with all the issues we ARE going in the right direction. Benjamin is now on Beta Blockers. They are likely to be long term medication and come home with us. He is on Propanalol and Captapril.
Today Benjamin seems relaxed and happy, which may be because f the sedation he is on.
His BP is between 75-80 0ver 35-40 and heart rate is approx 115-140bpm. He has come down on his infusions and his feed has gone up to 28ml per hour. His nurse Zoey is also a tissue viability nurse so she has a good look at his chest drain and PD Drain sites and seems pretty happy.
Benjamin s incredibly skinny but is doing well. He is wrapped in a blanket. If it wasn't for the ventilator you would never know he was poorly.
He is breathing above the level the ventilator is set at, which means he is starting to work his heart an d lungs by him self. This is a great start so fingers crossed he may be off it shortly.

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