Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 3 March 2011

First Operation

Thursday 11th November

Last night was great , I got to look after my boy all by myself. I was awake most of the night holding him and marveling at the amazing little man in my arms and wondering how someone so small could make it through such a big operation.

Thursday morning we met with the surgeon, Mr Stoica ad the anesthetist, Professor Wolfe. They explained what was going to happen and that it may take 6-8 hours. They also said they were actually taking him down earlier.As you can imagine both me and Dave were over whelmed but had to prepare ourselves for taking Benjamin down to theatre.
When it was time a nurse called Jess, came with us and I carried Benjamin down. She was very bubbly and chatty and made it seem less scary. I really didn't want to leave him with those people , I wanted to wrap him up and run but I knew this was the only option we had to save his life.
Everyone was waiting when we got there and checked his name bands and some basic details and gently told us to rest him on the bed and leave. 
We kissed him, and went back to his room.

We had decided to go to mom and Dads to get away, pick up change of clothes and things Benjamin might need when he gets out. We wouldn't let ourselves think about the negative side of the operation.

Sitting at moms was so difficult, they tried very hard to entertain us and keep us distracted. Mom made sure we drank copious amounts of tea and filled our bellies. You know what moms are like!
We also recieved a call to say we had a place in a house sponsered by Macdonalds, Its free accomodation and only 5 minuites from the house.

At 18.00 I could wait anymore and asked Dave to call as I was too frightened. It must have been mommy sense as Benjamin was out of surgery ad was doing well.  The whole house was in uproar. We laughed and cried and hugged and then cried again. Me and Dave literally ran to the car and left to see our boy. We did get a frightening call half way as the doctor called to tell us what had happened. We thought maybe something had gone wrong but no, he was just telling us what a nurse had told us.

When we arrived back in PICU, Benjamin was in a little hot cot and surrounded by machines, infusions, medical staff . He was covered in wires, tubes,stickers , probes and they seemed to be coming out of every part of his tiny little body. He was naked other than an over sized nappy and looked so pale. It was heart breaking.

First Surgery

The doctor, David Grant, was over seeing Benjamin's care and seemed very intense about it. We found out later he had stayed there all night.

Day 1 was over and we still had our son

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