Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 3 March 2011

18th November

We went to see Benjamin early today and he looked great ( Looking back at the photos we actually see how poorly he looked but at the time he looked great to us). He was off the morphine and on another type of sedative so he should start to wake in the next few days. In fact as I originally wrote this there are doctors discussing what to do and when. There is talk about waking him slowly and that he hasnt always responded to the normal procedures but has done well to the abnormal treatments. As his mom I am impatient to see him awake and see his eyes but at the same time I want him to wake slowly so that he wont have any more problems.
His heart beat is 150 bpm and is blood presure is approx 53. This is great especially as his heart rate has been 180+ The only time we had seen his heart beat that low was when we cuddled him and he fell asleep in our arms.

Ive been feeling pretty emotional over the last few days, I have become a real Benjamin Junkie. Dave has become incredibly knowledgeable about all the machines, the infusions and the careplans.

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