Benjamin Day 1

Benjamin Day 1

Thursday 3 March 2011

Getting Better and Second Operation

Benjamin has been sedated, pumped with medicines and cared fir by amazing nurses and doctors. He has really been improving but a few days later he seemed to be struggling.He has regular echos, which are like the scan you have when your pregnant), xrays and investigations.
They have found out that the conduit they put in has been squashed and is constricting flow and they need to go in again. So in another meeting with his doctors, Peter Davis, David Grant and Rob Martin, it is decided that they need to go in and reassess the conduit. This is difficult as he is very tiny still and he would have to have open heart surgery again and they had already stitched and chopped at him.

So on 17th November he went down for surgery again! We went down at 07.30 so that we could see him before his operation. He looked really good  as he had lost a lot of fluid . He had bloated really badly as the PD tubes had not been working properly and all the excess fluid that should have been drained out of his body instead it had drained into his body.
The surgeons seemed relaxed and positive so we felt confident. Kelly- Marie was changing over his meds etc to the mobile set so that he was ready to go on time, so we left her too it . I gave Benjamin a big kiss and told him to be string and not to leave me.
We went back to the room at Ronald MacDonald and grandma arrived to wait with us. It was quite obvious by 12.99 we were all getting very fidgety and talked about calling PICU. Scarily the phone went but then cut off. So I called Benjamin's nurse, Kelly-Marie who told us they had finished and he would be back in about 3 minutes so we could come down in an hour.She said it had gone well and he was stable.
When we got to the hospital, Benjamin had just arrived and we learnt it had gone well and he was still on the 3 med's he went down on. He was breathing by him self and they had managed to get 250ml of fluid of him. He looked even more delicate because of the loss but well for a second operation.I wasn't expecting him to look so well, and to have his chest closed.
We learnt they had to re fashion the conduit as it was just too big for his body. I just cant believe what they have achieved again. They are so humble and softly spoken but really these people are amazing and hero's in my eyes.

Mm went off very happy, we stayed a while to marvel and then let Benjamin rest. I cant wait to see Benjamin move and open his eyes

Benjamin Rocks and the Surgeons Rock too!

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